Visitors Guide

We are located at 5100 South Service Rd, unit #59, in Burlington, ON, between Appleby Line and Burloak Drive. Our main intersection is Appleby Line and Harvester Rd. Whether you come from the east or the west, when you enter the plaza, our office is at the back of the middle building of the TWIN TOWERS business center.


You can park in the designated visitor parking spaces throughout the parking lot.


Upon your arrival, you will note a LIMA ARCHITECTS sign on our main door. Don’t worry, you are at the right location. This is a practice owned by our founder’s family, and it’s located on the main level. When you come in, please take the stairs up to the Waiting Room, and make yourself comfortable.


You can check in by scanning the QR code located on the console table in the waiting room. This way, your therapist will know you have arrived for your appointment.